Sunday 19 April 2009


After glacier country we headed back in land, to warmer and less wet climes again and reached lake Wanaka. Rhys decided to take a dip - it took him 2 attempts to get in, and he didn't stay in long! The water comes down off one of the glaciers .....

Mooched in Wanaka for the afternoon before deciding to head on to Queenstown. Arrived in Queenstown and high tailed it straight back to Wanaka. It was just too busy.

For those of you wondering how long I could go before finding a horse to ride, the answer was quite a long time! Got a ride at Backcountry Saddle Expeditions - learnt a lot but not quite a cowgirl yet!

1 comment:

SparklyJem said...

lovely picture, and cute, cute horse - amazing colour1